Friday, September 25, 2015

Personal Identity #2

 Artist Reflection:        

              In the personal identity assignment I learned many new aspects of design and photoshop. The strongest aspect of my work is my camera. I inserted the camera in my work to represent my interest in photography. I enjoy how it is very realistic and shows the camera I personally use. I also like how the variety of colors makes it stand out well in the background and believe this also makes my work stronger. A technical aspect that I could improve on is my dancer. Throughout the making of this work I struggled to make the dancer stand out from the background. My last realization to fix the situation was to change the color of the skirt to purple. That surely made a significant difference but the dancer somehow still looks slightly lost towards her head. In addition, I believe I could have made something around her head a more eye-catching color.
              The personal identity assignment had both easy and hard solutions throughout the making of the artwork. The easiest part of this activity is the organization. Organization, meaning, the placement of the objects and shapes and searching for them online. Once I understood what my concept would be, I already knew what I could include to fit my theme of art. The objects I have chosen seemed to be quite easy to place in correct places and almost makes them look as if they were one image. However, although there were many easy parts of this activity, it was also very difficult at times. The most difficult part of this activity was definitely the coloring of each object. With this assignment, the coloring of the objects is easier said than done. Each color needed to correspond with another forming an imaginary triangular shape. I assumed this task would be simple, but in most situations the colors would blend easily into the background. This difficult task was surely the most time-consuming part as well. 
                 In this art activity I demonstrated the objective. The objective of this art activity is to show a unified self portrait through color. This means to show off your personality in work and emphasize it with color. I demonstrated this by creating my theme of art because art is a huge impact on my daily life. I added color in triangular shapes to balance out the color and make my design even more appealing. If I could do this art activity again I would do a few things differently. The first thing I would do differently I would choose a new topic. I enjoyed my art theme, however, I would like to experiment to see what else I could create from another topic. Another thing I would do differently is I would choose a more cooperative background. Throughout my first attempt I struggled in several different situations to choose vibrant colors that would not blend with my background. I feel the background was definitely my biggest mistake that I would surely change. In conclusion, in my personal identity assignment I learned many new aspects of design and photoshop.

1 comment:

  1. Kayla, You did a great job with choosing and overlapping your images. For a minute I thought you pulled it straight off of Google but then I saw all your layers...very impressive. As for the challenges you faced with your background I think you did a good job providing contrast through color and the addition of the solid green in the foreground. When you have a minute you can work on providing stronger contrast with the ballerina. Maybe all she needs is a purple crown and change of opacity on the face. Try it...
