Monday, October 26, 2015

Radial Symmetry Collage - Assignment #6

Radial Symmetry-

                   The sixth assignment we had to complete was the radial symmetry assignment. In this assignment the objective was to create a design using radial symmetry involving both colors and shapes. The strongest technical aspect of my work is the radial symmetry of my work. Radial symmetry is symmetry among all four corners of the art. I believe this is my strongest aspect because I managed to assemble each of my shapes so they are symmetrical in all four corners. A technical aspect of my work that can be improved on is my color scheme. I think I could have arranged my colors differently to make the design pop more.
                   The easiest part of this activity is the placing the shapes so they are symmetrical. All you needed to do was to follow the guidelines the program gives you to make sure all four shapes are symmetrical. The most difficult part of this activity is the changing the colors and opacities. This was difficult because you aren't always sure what certain arrangements look like unless you try them. Therefore, it becomes a long process of trial and error.
                    The objective of this art activity is to create a complex radially symmetrical design with different shapes and colors. I demonstrated this objective in my design by including several examples of both circular and rectangular shapes all of which appear as different colors. In addition to this, if I could do this art activity again, I would change some of the arrangements of my shapes. I would do this differently because I believe my design needs a little more of rectangular shapes towards the center because it is overwhelmed by circles. In conclusion, in our sixth assignment we had to create a radial symmetry design.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job emploing the marquis tools to create a complex radially symmetrical design.
